RCB Advisors celebrates its eighth year!

RCB Advisors is celebrating a successful 8 years in business as we start a new financial year today, 01st July 2024.

It has been another interesting year for all of us as we continue this exciting journey. We would like to thank every one of you for your invaluable support and understanding. Without it, this journey would not be as joyful and professionally satisfactory.

As we reflect on the past year, we have always been passionate about our clients' journeys. The thrill and satisfaction we get from helping each of you, including working alongside you to manage the challenges you face in your financial and tax affairs, including on the business front, is invaluable to all of us here at RCB Advisors.

Each year, we say, “Every day at RCB is still very stimulating and fast-paced.” We are pleased that this continues to be true.

Whilst reflecting on our journey over the last eight years, our launch statement comes to mind: “Every step of the way, we recognise that without the support of our clients, we would not be where we are today.” As we sit here today, that statement continues to ring true. Our conviction is stronger than ever, and it inspires every member of our team to tailor solutions that meet the needs of all our loyal and new clients.

Our values —Respect, Regard, Integrity, Ethics, Professionalism, Commitment and Hard Work —are as important today, both personally and professionally, as when we launched our business eight years ago. These are the hallmarks by which we conduct our business.

Everyone at RCB Advisors worked hard over the last twelve months. We thank all our team members for their hard work and contributions, which ensure our workplace remains a “happy place” every day.

On behalf of the directors of our business units and the entire RCB Advisors team, we sincerely thank you again for your continuing support, valuable referrals, and testimonials. We are excited to move forward into a new year with all our clients, suppliers, and strategic partners to help you achieve even better outcomes.

Also, we are truly grateful for the continued support of the professional organisations we are members of.

Rajesh Chawla

RCB Advisors
RCB Business Services Pty Ltd

PO Box 439, Camberwell 3124
VICTORIA, Australia

+61 3 9882 0533

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